Wow! That's some tale! And a little something for Terran Tuesday:

Soil reaches up and takes firm hold

My soul grows faint, my heart's not bold

To space I fly for my safety

And grasp the stars that e'er there be

I twinkle there as years roll by

I am but star in dark night sky

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Thank you Knight!

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I hope your day is great!

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That was a fun space shanty! 😎

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Thank you!

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I totally sang this as I read it. Slips so well off the tongue and has a very natural cadence that is perfect for a shanty!

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Thank you! I hope your day is great :D

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Very good. A good rousing story.

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How have you been? I am new at this but will work hard and hope to write more, and better shanties.

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This is fantastic, well done!

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I am happy you liked it :) Next week, I will work on another shanty and hope to have it ready either for Terran-Tuesday or Warrior-Wednesday.

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