I'd say burning wreck rather than wrack, but fair enough.

Honestly, I've begun to think this poem can be levelled also at red-pillers/black-piller guys who revel in despair and in the spreading of it, rather than any legitimate resistance towards those who might otherwise oppress us.

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Wreck, it was wreck not wrack! The otto carrot strikes again...

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I should write a funny haiku about otto carrot roflmao :D

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Yes Otto Von Carrot was a great man after all.

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Indeed! One of the greatest men in the correctional line of work :P

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That Dang Otto Carrot! 🥕

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The power of the Otto Carrot cannot be denied!

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Jun 25Liked by The Black Knight

Very good. It should be set to music.

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The title is actually the title of one awesome Amon Amarth song!

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Hey, you referenced one of my favorite Amon Amarth songs! Cool poem, I love the sounds.


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One of my favorite bands! I often use their songs as inspiration for many of my stories.

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Oh, man, now it all comes together. Haha, they definitely have a marching vibe.

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I can tag you, I did post a lot of my poems.

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Yeah, I’ve been just getting into reading more poems on here. Sounds good.

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