Sep 6Liked by The Black Knight

First one as it appears to afford the least risk to all involved.

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Thank you! I will write a poem or haiku for Terran Tuesday inspired by one comment here.

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Sep 6Liked by The Black Knight

Two! Straightforward approach, guns blazing.

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Thank you for voting! Scanner assisted guns in the Starshatter universe are so awesome :D

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Thank you! If you like, please comment why you picked this. I will write a poem or haiku for Terran Tuesday, inspired by the best comment here.

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Thank you for the vote, but votes were closed since Thursday.

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Sep 10Liked by The Black Knight

I think the first one is what I would choose from the perspective of caution, after all, one must not play recklessly when there are lives at stake.

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Thank you for voting! I am working on a Haiku for Terran Tuesday rn. Btw, these pirates or Clanners, as everyone on the Fringe calls them, they have quite the lore. And those three, they are on the mid scoundrel spectrum when one compares then to other Starshatter villains :D

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I vote for number 1. Save the child and have some fun doing it!

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Thank you for voting! I can't wait for next Sci-Friday :) Tomorrow is Terran-Tuesday and I have plenty of Haiku material to work with. The comments here are absolutely awesome :D

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Another choose your own adventure! That makes three in the Substackverse unless I am slow on the uptake and you’ve done them before. Anyway, choosing option 1, because I saw it clearest in my minds eye, (just giving you fodder for your haiku)

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Thank you for voting and the haiku fodder :)

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Two because I want as many risks as possible and drama! X)

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Sep 7Liked by The Black Knight

Love surprises! Number one

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Thank you for voting! For Terran-Tuesday I will write a haiku or a poem inspired by one of the comments on this post.

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I vote for option 1, as it seems to provide the most protection for the victims.

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Thank you for voting! I hope you liked the story :)

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Sep 7Liked by The Black Knight

Option 1

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Thank you for voting, my friend :)

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This is a really fun idea. Good luck with it. I think '2' would be a great choice. It's very cinematic, and seems like it would create a scene that is the most tense and action-packed... 😎

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I cannot wait to see how this entire story will end :D

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Sep 6Liked by The Black Knight

Hello Knight. Love the story. I vote for number three. The Terran Word will always win the day

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Thank you :) Next week we will see which choice has the most votes.

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This is a fun idea and structure for your writing. Looking forward to next Terran-Tuesday!

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Vote for number 1, which in my humble opinion not only saves the day, but allows for more nuance in the action. Thank you, Knight, this is fun.:)

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Thank you for voting and commenting! For next Terran-Tuesday, I will draw inspiration from one comment here and write a haiku or a poem :)

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Surprise is always the best advantage, I’d say option one! Plus the visuals sound like they’d make for a great action scene.

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Thank you for your vote! I will pick a comment and write a Haiku or a poem for Terran Tuesday.

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